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The most trusted
AI detector

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Was this text written by a human or AI?

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No credit card required.

Winston has detected the text as X human. It is highly probable that an AI text generation tool was used. How to interpret our results.
Winston has found X occurrences of plagiarism in this text.

The only AI detector with a 99.98% accuracy rate

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For Education

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For Writers

How Winston works

Screenshot of Winston AI registration page

1. Create your account for free to begin checking for AI content.

2. Enter the text you want to check for AI.

  • Paste text using our quick scan or upload documents in the following formats: .docx, .png and .jpg.
  • Our OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology effortlessly extracts text from scanned documents or pictures, even those written in handwriting.
Screenshot of Winston AI ai detection tool
Screenshot of Winston AI text report

3. Get your results in seconds

  • Our AI detector will let you know, on a scale of 0-100, the percentage of odds a text is generated by a human or AI.
  • The AI prediction map will also provide you with a sentence by sentence assessment.
  • Activate our plagiarism checker to scan your text for plagiarized content.
  • Generate a report that can be easily printed for your records.


Industry leading accuracy rate

Institutions and publishers primarily choose Winston AI for its accuracy rates in detecting AI generated content and low false positives.

Detects all AI models

Trained to detect the most advanced AI models, including ChatGPT 4o, Google Gemini, Claude, LLAMA and much more.

Paraphrased and humanized content detection

Detects all bypassing strategies, including paraphrasing content with tools such as Quillbot, or even AI content humanizers.

Multi Language

Detect AI generated content in English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Dutch and Chinese(Simplified).

Secure and Confidential

Our organization is GDPR compliant and ensures your content is secure, and never used to improve our models/capabilities.

AI Prediction Map

Color coded visualization of your content that sounds synthetic and that might be triggering AI detectors.

A complete solution to ensure integrity

AI detection icon

AI Detector

With its 99.98% accuracy rate, Winston AI is the preferred solution for institutions and publishers.

Plagiarism Icon

Plagiarism Detection

Verify content originality across any language with our plagiarism checker. Manage citations and visualize duplicate content found with ease.

AI Image detection icon

AI Image Detection

Detect deepfake images and photos generated with the most advanced generative AI tools such as Midjourney, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and Bing Image.

API icon


Build your own web applications by connecting to our cost effective and reliable integrity solutions.

Always ahead of AI content detection

  • Trained on the largest dataset of human reviewed data to minimise false positives.
  • Our industry leading detection model is built with diverse types of content generated by all known Large Language Models to recognize synthetic writing patterns.
  • Our detection algorithms are updated on a weekly basis.
  • Winston AI is always ahead of any new form of AI checker bypassing technologies including paraphrasing tools and AI humanizers.
Winston AI detection meter

Winston AI Reviews & Testimonials

My institution mandated me to find the best AI and ChatGPT detector. During my audits and thorough tests made on several platforms, I found Winston AI by far the most accurate AI detection solution on the market. Their platform is also very intuitive and very easy to use.

Shauna Burns - English ProfessorFinally, a solution to detect AI content that works

We found our content was increasingly synthetic and our Google rankings consistently dropped. We needed to find a solution to maintain helpful and human content on our content and Winston AI has been a critical tool to keep our articles engaging, accurate and human.

Idris Kala - Editor-in-chiefImpressed with the accuracy in detecting AI content

Winston AI offers an intuitive interface and powerful features for detecting AI-generated content and checking plagiarism, essential for SEO professionals aiming to ensure content authenticity. Its accurate detection algorithms and responsive customer support make it a reliable tool in the SEO toolkit.

Shawn Daniels - SEO ConsultantEssential tool for SEO

In my role as a School District Manager, ensuring the integrity of our students' work is paramount. Winston AI has become an invaluable resource in this mission. Its user-friendly interface allows our educators to seamlessly integrate it into their assessment processes, checking for AI and the originality of student submissions with remarkable efficiency.

Oliver Hicket - District ManagerWinston AI: A Vital Asset for Upholding Academic Integrity

As an advocate for original thought in student writing, I've embraced Winston AI for its exceptional ability to identify AI-generated content. It's a critical tool for preserving the unique voice of each student in an age where technology can blur the lines of authorship. The platform is user-friendly, making it a breeze for both instructors and students to ensure the work submitted is genuinely their own.

Vicky Kaur - English TeacherThe Sentinel Against AI-Generated Submissions

Frequently asked questions

What is an AI content detector?

How do AI detectors work?

What's the difference between Plagiarism Checkers and AI Writing Detectors?

Can teachers detect if you used an AI assistant like ChatGPT for schoolwork?

Are AI detection tools accurate?

Does Google detect AI content?

What does Winston do exactly?

Which languages does Winston AI work with?

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