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AI content detector API

    "status": 200,
    "score": 0,
    "sentences": [
            "text": "When one thinks of the Poodle, the image of an elegant, dignified dog often comes to mind.",
            "score": 70.67
            "text": "With its distinctive curly coat and graceful demeanor, the Poodle stands out among other breeds.",
            "score": 25.7
            "text": "However, there is much more to this remarkable canine than meets the eye.",
            "score": 10.96
            "text": "From its high intelligence to its versatility in various roles, the Poodle is a breed that has captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide.",
            "score": 15.71
            "text": "One of the Poodle's most notable attributes is its exceptional intelligence.",
            "score": 15.23
    "credits_used": 134,
    "credits_remaining": 388703

The Industry-Leading AI Detector API

Private & Secure



Unmatched Accuracy

How to use our API

API registration page

1. Create your API account for free

2. Generate your keys & connect to our endpoints

Api token creation page
APi billing page

3. Select the package that suits your requirements.

  • Leverage the accuracy of our AI Detection models.
  • Use our plagiarism checker API at scale.
  • Access the most cost effective integrity solution in the industry.

The industry leading API solution to ensure originality and integrity

AI content detector API

Not just a ChatGPT detector, our API will help you detect content generated with all commercially available AI writing tools.

Plagiarism Checker API

Legacy Plagiarism Detector API's are costly and not adapted to the modern challenges posed by AI. Opt for a modern, reliable and fast solution.

AI Image & Deepfake Detector API

Leverage our API to identify and flag AI-generated images and Deepfakes at scale.

Easy and cost-effective

- Low and flexible pricing.
- Integrate with a reliable and accurate solution.

Frequently asked questions

What’s the difference between the API and Winston AI’s regular application?

Which languages does Winston AI's API support?

Is any of the data scanned through Winston AI shared or accessible?

Which LLM's does Winston detect?