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The industry leading
AI detector and ChatGPT checker
for education

Screenshot of the Winston AI detection results

High accuracy for optimal integrity

Built with educators for education

Our premium plans all have unlimited seats so your institution can share credits with as many colleagues as you’d like without at no additional costs.

Get shareable assessment reports so you can open a discussion with your students.

Our plans are flexible so you can upgrade for the busiest periods and downgrade or even pause your subscription at any time.

Artificial intelligence data center

Secure & Confidential data.

Winston AI is a highly secure platform that ensures utmost data protection by employing advanced encryption techniques to safeguard all user information.

With data stored securely offsite in state-of-the-art facilities, users can trust in Winston AI’s commitment to maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of their valuable data.

Under no circumstances is your data shared with any entities, or used to train and improve our capabilities. You can also purge your data entirely at your convenience.

Frequently asked questions

How can I tell if my students are using ChatGPT for their assignments?

Why is Winston AI better for education versus other AI checkers?